
A mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta ENVIRONMENT


You can find us under the umbrella of Directorate-General for Maritime Policy of the Portuguese Ministry for the Sea Bluegrowth   it is a science-based company with a mission to provide technological innovations that are capable of generating value for ports & shipping, fisheries & aquaculture and other offshore related industries. Ensuring the sustainable exploitation of marine and maritime resources, it is our core purpose. At Bluegrowth , this means building a framework of technologies and knowledge services that protects maritime industries from the risks while capitalizing on innovation to enhance safety, efficiency and profitability. Focused on sustainability challenges, process efficiency and smart resources management, Bluegrowth provides cutting-edge solutions using robotics, electronics, automation and decision support systems to address challenges of Water Quality Management, Bioprocess Automation, Underwater Inspections and Offshore infrastructu...


A Bluegrowth é uma empresa de base científica com a missão de promover o conhecimento, a inovação e o desenvolvimento tecnológico, enquanto contributo para o desenvolvimento inteligente, inclusivo e sustentável da Economia Azul . De pessoas para pessoas. Somos o produto de uma equipa multidisciplinar, composta por pessoas com competências desde as ciências sociais até às ciências exatas, unidas por um complexo de conhecimento, crenças e moral que denominamos como “Cultura de Mar” . Do mar para a sociedade. A exploração sustentável dos mares e dos oceanos será o derradeiro contributo para combater desigualdades sociais, para travar o colapso dos recursos naturais e para criar novos conceitos de bem-estar e felicidade para os seres humanos e para as outras espécies com quem partilhamos o Planeta. Temos, por isso, de contribuir para construção de uma sociedade consciente: desperta para os riscos e ameaças, perspicaz nas ações, ciente dos seus recursos, e responsável pelos...


The future of mankind is inextricably related to Man's ability to overcome technological barriers to ensure the farming of the oceans rather than the exploitation of its resources.  Oceans, seas and coastal areas form an integrated and essential component of the Earth’s ecosystem and are critical to sustainable development due its contribute towards poverty eradication by creating sustainable livelihoods and employment. Oceans are the primary regulator of the global climate, crucial for global food security and human health. Hugo Metelo Diogo , Bluegrowth's Executive Director According with the United Nations “Over three billion people depend on marine and coastal resources for their livelihoods”. Fishing operations have expanded to, quite literally, every corner of the ocean over the last 100 years, due to the fact that technology now exists that enables humans to find and catch every single fish in the oceans, no matter where they are located on the planet. However,...